Kansas Day 1

Competition Prep – Day 1 – Saturday February 18th

Ok so after driving 20h in a day and a half…it’s suppose to take 22h by the way. :) Anyways…I made it to the downtown HitchFit gym for 9am to meet Micah and start my competition prep program. Wahoo!

In my past blog posts I set the condition that I’d step on stage if I could get my body fat below 5%. So Micah writes down the goal of getting to 4.99% takes my measurements and says it’s doable. Of course that now throws the ball into my court to do the workouts and follow the nutrition plan.

Alright lets do this! Challenge accepted!

12 weeks out, World Champion as a guide, let’s get stage ready!


Fitness Vacation

Ya it’s an oxymoron, but if you know me you’ll know that it’s also the story of my life! :)

This saturday February 18th will be exactly 12 weeks out from the WBFF US Central, which means it’s also the day I start my 12 week comp prep program.  I figure I might as well start it right so I’m taking a week off work to travel down to Kansas.

“What!? Why Kansas?”

Because that’s where my online trainer Micah Lacerte happens to live!  He also happens to be a 2011 WBFF World Champion so he knows a thing or two about fitness.

I’m really thankful that he has agreed to spend some time helping me out, since he recently retired from personal training / competing and is crazy busy with leading his successful company (www.hitchfit.com), promoting the WBFF, appearing on tv, and helping people online like myself.

“Are you going to compete then?”

I’m still undecided.  It will largely depend on what condition I am in closer to the event.  I have never been down to 5% body fat before so I’m not sure what I’ll look like and most of the time you need to be leaner than that when you are competing in the mens fitness model category.

Usually guys will lean down to below 5%, see what they need to work on, then gain more muscle in those areas while also increasing body fat then leaning down again then continuing that cycle until they look like the guys you see in fitness magazines.  Constantly going through bulking phases then cutting phases.  Once you achieve the body you want then you are in maintenance mode.  Can’t wait for that.

So all that said I will compete if I’m ready and wait if I’m not.  However I will be doing everything I can to be ready and strictly following my custom plan.

You can follow all of it over the next 12 weeks here!

Live Healthy,


P.S. We’re pretty much half way through February.  How are your fitness resolutions / goals for the year coming along?  If you aren’t having the success you want I highly recommend looking into a hitchfit.com program.  Your health is your first wealth so invest in it accordingly.



Welcome to Felske Fitness!

Hey! You showed up, awesome! That’s half the battle you know? Seriously, getting in the habit of being where you are suppose to be, being “prepared”, is something you need to do consciously or subconsciously if you plan on being successful at anything, except of course being lucky.

“Failing to prepare, is preparing to fail!” This is one of my favourite quotes and of course I don’t actually know who said it. Sigh.

Ok let’s get down to it. This is the new website for my fitness journey and this is the first post on the site and yes that is me on the left side. Still lots to work on, but getting better.

This is also the first post of 2012. Coincidence…maybe? I’d like to say that I’ve been spending the last couple weeks of January working on this site for anyone reading this, but honestly I’ve been busy. Like everyone. Between holidays, family, friends, work, church, and band I’ve been running around.

One thing I read recently was challenging readers if when they went on their computer if it owned them or if they owned it. With all the worlds media right at our finger tips it’s really easy to go on your computer and waste hours where you could have been productive and creative.

Creativity requires creation.

So now whenever I go on my computer I ask myself “Is what I’m doing advancing my goals?” and if it’s not I rethink what I’m doing.

Last night when I went on my computer I built this site.

Year 2012 here I come! :)

I’ve had a lot of people asking me about my goals for the new year…well here they are in all their ambitious glory.

Fitness Goals for 2012:

1) I will do everything healthy I can to get below 5% body fat.

2) I will write a book on my fitness experience with everything I’ve learned and links to all the resources and people who have helped me along the way. (If I don’t have a publisher by year end I will release it as an ebook.) The point of the book will be to inspire others to live healthier and happier lives where they are now. Change takes time, but you can change direction right away.

3) I will launch a new fitness site (Check that one off! Booya!)

Fitness Challenges for 2012:

1) Do 30 pull ups with no rest.

2) Do a handstand and hold for at least 5 seconds

3) Get through the Mobby song “Flower” push up challenge. You basically start in a push up position and when he says up you go up then hold and when he says down you go down then hold with your nose touching the ground.

I’ve also set a number of other goals having to do with saving, giving, music, relational..etc. But for the purpose of this blog I’ve only shared the fitness goals.

You’ve also might have heard rumours of me competing in a fitness competition this year and are wondering why it’s not on my list of goals. Well to be completely honest I keep going back and forth on this decision. I have doubts on whether it’s what I want and also whether I’ll be ready, but whatever I decide it will be at a date closer to the competition.

Live Healthy,
